Antoine Dedieu

Research Scientist at DeepMind
MIT - Ecole Polytechnique

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About me

    I am a Research Scientist at Google DeepMind. My current research interests lie in solving challenging (a) object-centric vision, (b) planning, and (c) navigation problems, which current AI models struggle with. Over the past years, I have mainly addressed these tasks by building novel generative probabilistic graphical models (PGMs). To achieve this, I have proposed new methods for learning and inference in complex PGMs. More recently, I have proposed novel deep learning variants for these tasks.

    Prior to joining DeepMind, I worked 3.5 years as a Research Scientist then as a Senior Research Scientist at Vicarious (acquired by Alphabet) where I was building an AI layer for robots. Prior to joining Vicarious, I graduated from MIT Operations Research Center Master of Science, where I was advised by Prof. Rahul Mazumder. My thesis lied at the intersection of Machine Learning, Optimization and Statistics, building new algorithms to compute interpretable estimators, and studying their statistical performance. Before MIT, I earned an MS in Applied Mathematics from Ecole Polytechnique.

    I am a movie-fan, a sports addict, and a world-traveller. As an amateur photograph, I share my journeys around on my website.

Journal articles

Conference articles
